为顺应中国“一带一路”及“走出去”的国家战略、满足国内客户日益增多的海外投资并购的经营管理需要,及提一步增强优化公司的“Global Reach”的能力,在上海元兆翻译服务有限公司”(其前身为上海元兆翻译有限公司)成立十周年之际,我们的加拿大办公室已于 2016 年 8 月 1 日盛大开业。

蒙特利尔是加拿大第二大城市,北美第十五大城市。 “蒙特利尔”一词来源于中古法语 “Mont Royal”,意思为 “皇家山”,至今蒙特利尔城中心的地标皇家山仍以此命名。法语是蒙特利尔的官方语言,也是城市里最常用的语言,使用人口占城市总人口的60.5%,使得蒙特利尔成为世界上仅次于巴黎的第二大法语城市。蒙特利尔是加拿大最重要的经济中心之一,航空工业、金融、设计、电影工业等行业发达。蒙特利尔被认为是世界最佳宜居城市,并被联合国教育、科学及文化组织认定为设计之城。

地址:Room 1404, 1625 De Maisonneuve O. Montréal, Québec H3H 2N4
联系人:Daisy Wang
邮箱: Canada@etranslaw.com/sh@etranslaw.com
Dear Valued Partners:
We are very pleased to let you know that EasyLaw Canada Office opens as from August 1st 2016.
With this strategic and significant expansion of presence outside P.R.C along with outbound investment and establishment of branches and/or partnership under the P.R.C national call “Go out” and “the Belt and Road Initiative”, EasyLaw will be more confident to assure all of you a much better reliable cost-efficient turn-key comprehensive services, including not limited to translation, interpretation, as well as legal and business counselling.
We sincerely appreciate your always support and valued partnership for a decade plus.
EasyLaw Canada Office Contact Information:
Manager: Daisy Wang
Mobile: 001-514-602-0682
Email: Canada@etranslaw.com/sh@etranslaw.com
Address: Room 1404, 1625 De Maisonneuve O. Montréal, Québec H3H 2N4
- 上一篇:上海元兆恭祝:中秋快乐,阖家团圆! 2016/9/13
- 下一篇:法律测试-英译中 2016/8/2